
This post is a bit late, but my resolution to write a monthly farm update is still strong. All the visiting family last weekend and the beautiful weather must have kept me off the computer. And when I do sit down indoors, wedding planning is more likely on my mind.

That’s really all the news that’s necessary for February. Jeff and I got engaged on Valentine’s Eve and are getting married this summer! There will be mountains, farm produce, fresh flowers, and homemade local good times!


A tree pretty enough to propose under.

A few other things also happened this month. I disked and plowed part of the field to try out the new tools and make more planting space.  The nectarine, peaches, and plums started to bloom and the cover crop is growing fast. We even fit in a ski trip finally for a spectacular change of scenery.

I was missing winter already since it hardly rained and was mostly in the mid-70’s during the day. Fortunately, there seems to have been just enough water in the soil for the plants to hold on through all that warmth until this week’s storms.  It was lovely of course being out in the sun with everything lush and green, but a few more nights of fires and soup will be very welcome. What a difference a few days and 3.5” of rain makes.